

  • ACRONYM: iTrack.
  • TITLE: Integrated system for real-time TRACKing and collective intelligence in civilian humanitarian missions.
  • SUMMARY: iTRACK is designed to be a cost effective open source system, supporting humanitarian aid organisations where resources may be limited. To further facilitate its uptake by these organisations when operating conflict and disaster missions, we design, develop and validate technology and policies with humanitarian practitioners.


iTrack fosters technology development that enable more accurate real-time tracking and monitoring. iTRACK enables threat detection and real-time reduction of exposure by features such as re-routing and re-scheduling. Tracking technologies become an enabler of more efficient monitoring of assets as well as humanitarian needs and gaps.

Information systems for fleet management, GPS/EGNOS/Galileo for navigation and location or RFID tags for inventory management are just a few of the technologies that have changed the humanitarian operations. An integrated decision support system provides real-time analyses from the data streams that are generated by these technologies. Real-time information provides an understanding of potentially threatening situations, decreases response times and facilitates secure communications, all leading to enhanced protection effectiveness and efficiency in humanitarian missions.

By switching from passive tracking to a two-way monitoring mechanism that enables secure communication with a coordination team and across humanitarian field teams, operational humanitarian responders are enabled to rapidly recognise new situations and adapt efficiently and effectively to new situations. Through the iTRACK system, their local decisions are orchestrated with the overall response for better coordination and protection of personnel on the ground. This is done while adopting a privacy conscious approach by incorporating a privacy and ethical impact assessment.


  • BUDGET: €3,999,213.75
  • DURATION: 36 months (01/05/2016 – 30/04/2019)
  • PROGRAMME: H2020-BES-2015
  • PROJECT COORDINATOR: Universitetet I Adger



This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 700510.

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