Railways and Metros are safe, efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly mass carriers, and they are becoming even more important means of transportation given the need to address climate change. However, being such critical infrastructures turns metro and railway operators as well as related intermodal transport operators into attractive targets for cyber and/or physical attacks. The SAFETY4RAILS project delivers methods and systems to increase the safety and recovery of track-based inter-city railway and intra-city metro transportation. It addresses both cyber-only attacks (such as impact from WannaCry infections), physical-only attacks (such as the Madrid commuter trains bombing in 2014) and combined cyber-physical attacks, which an important emerging scenarios are given increasing IoT infrastructure integration.
TREE will be working on Threat Intelligence activities, building a system based on MISP (Malware Indicators Sharing Platform) that will store information about threats (e.g. Threat actors targeting transportation critical infrastructures), vulnerabilities (e.g. vulnerabilities in protocols widely used in rail industry) and incidents.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 883532.
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