• TITLE: Holistic and adaptivE Interface Design for human-technology Interactions.
  • SUMMARY: HEIDI project aims to develop a fluid, cooperative HMI that integrates internal and external adaptive HMI solutions in a holistic manner. This cooperative HMI effectively synchronises driver data and data from other road users to facilitate an optimal joint action between the actors, with a view to ensuring a safe interaction.


The HEIDI project aims to develop a fluid, cooperative HMI that effectively synchronises driver data and data from other road users to facilitate an optimal joint action between the actors. HEIDI HMI solutions guarantee that all road users share the same understanding of the situation with a view to ensuring a safe interaction. HEIDI will prototype and validate in a multi-user simulation environment and in real vehicle prototypes the proposed HMIs.

HEIDI will develop 3 HMI solutions, namely fluid internal and external HMIs, and a cooperative HMI, demonstrated in two passenger vehicles. The HMIs modules specifically will be:

  • a driver monitoring system which detects critical driver states in real time, extended by driver behaviour prediction,
  • a pedestrian monitoring system which detects road user type, attentional level and overall capability in real time, while providing the most likely future behaviours,
  • a situation assessment and decision model which identifies and addresses interaction partners by suggesting a safe joint behaviour based on combined sensed inputs, and 
  • a situation resolution and tracking module which continuously tracks whether the recommended joint actions are followed and triggers HMI countermeasures if needed.

The HMI solutions will be tested in 10+ empirical studies to tightly link design and development efforts through sufficient iterative refinement.

TREE will participate in the definition of the user needs and use cases and will lead the elaboration of ethical guidelines and procedures for tests involving human participants, including the identification of the ethical principles and standards to ensure that HEIDI meets the requirements of responsible research practice. Additionally, TREE will lead the Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation activities where project’s results will be disseminated to different audiences through a variety of communication channels, and the exploitation and sustainability strategy will be defined.


  • BUDGET: €3,998,500  
  • DURATION: 36 months (01/09/2022 – 31/08/2025)
  • PROGRAMME: HORIZON.2.5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility



This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101069538

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